Oct 17, 2022 | Rehab, Recovery and Behavioral Health News
Millions of people throughout the country take prescription opioids for pain relief every day. However, some people may look for ways to magnify the effects of their medication, such as by taking oxycodone and alcohol together. Unfortunately, combining substances does...
Dec 4, 2021 | Rehab, Recovery and Behavioral Health News
The National Institute on Drug Abuse estimates that over 100 million Americans suffer from chronic pain. And sadly, that’s where drug addiction starts for many people. Many people, because of their chronic pain, become dependent on their prescribed pain...
Nov 8, 2021 | Rehab, Recovery and Behavioral Health News
Tramadol—also known by the brand name Ultram or Conzip—is a painkiller prescribed for the treatment of mild to moderate chronic pain. Because it has a less intense effect than traditional painkillers, tramadol has developed a reputation as a less addictive choice for...
May 11, 2020 | Rehab, Recovery and Behavioral Health News
Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) is a type of drug addiction treatment that helps fight against opioid addiction. One of these medications that opioid dependent patients take as part of MAT is called Suboxone. In this article, we will break down everything you need...