Jun 5, 2022 | Rehab, Recovery and Behavioral Health News
EtOH Meaning EtOH is an abbreviation or acronym used to describe ethyl alcohol, the clear liquid used in cleaning products, antiseptics, and alcoholic beverages. This terminology is often found in academic or medical publications when referring to alcohol, grain...
Feb 21, 2022 | Rehab, Recovery and Behavioral Health News
When problems arise and stress is heightened, drinking to forget your troubles can be appealing. However, when you lean on alcohol to alleviate discomfort, you’re replacing healthy coping mechanisms with a pattern of drinking. When this occurs, drinking to forget...
Jan 9, 2022 | Rehab, Recovery and Behavioral Health News
When you live with bipolar disorder, especially if it’s untreated, managing the symptoms can be difficult. This leads many people, sometimes without knowing they have a mental health condition, to combine a bipolar disorder and alcohol. And sadly, the results of...
Oct 25, 2021 | Rehab, Recovery and Behavioral Health News
Alcohol is the most commonly used intoxicant in America. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 85 percent of adults reported having drank alcohol at some point in their lifetime, and 69 percent reported that they drank within the past year. For...
Oct 19, 2021 | Rehab, Recovery and Behavioral Health News
When a person struggling with chronic or long-term alcohol abuse quits drinking, they often experience alcohol tremors—uncontrollable shaking, usually in the hands. These alcohol tremors are also known as alcohol shakes. And a problem in the area of the brain that...
Sep 13, 2021 | Rehab, Recovery and Behavioral Health News
Most people have, at some point in their lives, had too much to drink one night, and woken up the next day with a pounding head full of regret. Hangovers are so common that we can find references going back to the first century CE—Pliny the Elder prescribed two owl...
May 3, 2021 | Rehab, Recovery and Behavioral Health News
There are various causes of addiction that put people at a higher risk for struggling with this disease. Addiction can be passed down through family members, for starters. Some people are also vulnerable to substance use as a result of their upbringing, health...
Apr 5, 2021 | Rehab, Recovery and Behavioral Health News
Many people are familiar with the effects that alcohol can have on things like the brain and liver, but studies show that the consequences of drinking can actually impact your eyesight as well. The term “alcoholic eyes” refers to the ways in which your...
Dec 21, 2020 | Rehab, Recovery and Behavioral Health News
As any addiction expert will tell you, there are profound physical, emotional, and psychological effects of alcohol. With long-term use, the effects of alcohol on the brain can change the amount of neurotransmitters in your brain, thus changing your moods and thought...