Nov 4, 2021 | Rehab, Recovery and Behavioral Health News
For people on meth, the signs of meth use can vary wildly from person to person. This is because addiction is a highly personal disease. How it develops depends largely on the individual, their mental health, and genetic factors. And unfortunately, this variety can...
Sep 21, 2020 | Rehab, Recovery and Behavioral Health News
If you know somebody who is struggling with addiction, you probably experience moments where you feel completely helpless. You want to help and give support, but aren’t sure where to start. You might even feel as though you are doing everything you can to support your...
Mar 16, 2020 | Rehab, Recovery and Behavioral Health News
If you suspect that a friend or family member is abusing cocaine, you’ve probably started looking for cocaine addiction symptoms. But what are they, and how can you tell if your loved one is a cocaine user? If you’d like to learn more about the signs and...
Mar 11, 2020 | Rehab, Recovery and Behavioral Health News
If you suspect that your loved one is abusing drugs, then you might notice them using new, unfamiliar drug slang. Unfortunately, using popular slang for drugs is a common sign of addiction. Your loved one’s new verbiage may make you feel nervous or uneasy, and...
Mar 13, 2019 | Rehab, Recovery and Behavioral Health News
Anxiety is fear. Our hearts race, our palms sweat and ours bodies release extra stress hormones. No matter how irrational our fear seems to others, it doesn’t change our very real struggle with anxiety. When drugs and alcohol are involved, it adds another layer...
Feb 26, 2019 | Rehab, Recovery and Behavioral Health News
If you’ve ever loved an addict, you know it is one of the most heartbreaking things you’ll ever face. People who struggle with drugs and alcohol often say just about anything to explain away their addiction. Eventually, you discover the constant manipulation, but you...
Dec 18, 2018 | Rehab, Recovery and Behavioral Health News
We’re revolutionizing our level of service! To that end, we’re excited to announce that the Darryl Strawberry Recovery Center has become The Blackberry Recovery Center. As a recovery center of central Florida, The Blackberry Recovery Center will become a...