Prepping for a Phone Assessment

When you give our admissions specialists a call at (813) 908-4199, you’ll undergo a brief assessment to determine how we can help you. This is step one in determining your individualized treatment plan, and we want you to be as prepared as possible.

If you want to know what you’ll be asked during your phone assessment, look no further! And remember that our assessments are conducted 100% free of judgement; our only priority is getting you the help you need.

alcohol and drug treatment

Identifying Information

Once the assessment begins, you’ll be asked to provide some pretty standard information like your name, date of birth, contact information, and social security number. This information will be used for things like verifying insurance and our private records, which are kept secure at all times. That said, if you’re uncomfortable giving your social security number for any reason, you may choose not to provide that information and still receive treatment.

At this stage, we’ll also ask how you were referred to us and for emergency contact information. In the rare event of an emergency, being able to contact a trusted loved one can make it easier to keep you safe and provide quality care.


Contact us today to take your first step towards recovery.

Mental Health and Addiction Questions

To better understand how we can help you, we’ll ask some questions about your history with mental illness and addiction. We understand that this subject can be deeply personal, and we will only use this information to better help you in treatment.

Some of the mental health questions we may ask include:

  • Do you have thoughts of hurting yourself? If yes, do you have a plan to do so?
  • Do you have a history of suicide attempts? If yes, do you have a current plan to do so?
  • Are you experiencing violent thoughts toward others? If yes, do you have a plan?
  • Do you have a history of violence against others?

After that, you will be asked our questions about addiction and substance abuse. Some of these include:

  • Are you drinking alcohol regularly? If yes, how much and how often?
  • What substances are you using? For each one, you will be asked how much and how often.

Past Treatment and Insurance Information

By better understanding your history of treatment, our care staff will be better equipped to help you in recovery. For that reason, our phone screening includes questions like:

  • Have you been hospitalized in the last 60 days? If yes, when and during what dates?
  • Are you seeing a psychiatrist? If yes, what is their name and phone number?
  • Please list all of your current medications and dosages.
  • Do you have any current medical issues? If yes, please list all of them to help us better individualize your care.

At this point, you will also be asked if you need help getting to our facility.

Finally, you’ll be asked to provide your insurance information, including your provider and member ID number. We will use this information to provide treatment at the lowest possible cost to you.

Call Today and Begin Your Recovery

The decision to call about treatment is a big one, and we want to commend you for even considering it. If you have a problem with substance abuse, mental illness, or both, then now the best time to reach out for help is right now. It’s easy to come up with reasons not to get help, but if you’re exploring treatment options, that’s a big sign that now is the time to start recovery.

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