Rehab Reviews: Florida Drug Rehab Tips From Former Residents
11 Dec, 2020

According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), nearly 8 percent of the U.S. population (over 19 million people) suffered from substance use disorders in 2019. This number will likely increase in the aftermath of 2020, a year that proved to be stressful on a global scale. Therefore, if you are struggling with substance abuse in the Sunshine State, you are not alone, as much of the population is navigating through personal addiction-related experiences. 

Luckily, drug rehab facilities that address addiction recovery are located statewide, with some of the best drug rehab centers being positioned right in the central Florida area. At the Blackberry Center, our central Florida location is easy to access from across the state, and our treatment programs span beyond substance abuse to behavioral health programs, drug detox or alcohol detox, and dual diagnosis programs.

While our staff is well-versed in helping patients reach their sobriety goals through evidence-based addiction treatment that supports the recovery process, it is normal to have questions and concerns about what your drug rehabilitation center and addiction treatment will be like.

To ease these concerns, we have collected some rehab reviews, tips, and advice from people who have recently been through inpatient drug rehab at our central Florida rehab facility.

Advice on Drug Rehabilitation in Florida from Former AttendeesWood Sign that Says Rehabilitation

While enrolling in an inpatient or residential rehab can feel like a leap of faith at first, it is often the best decision of a person’s life. Learn what to expect from addiction treatment straight from former Blackberry Center drug rehab residents themselves: 

Stay Open-Minded to the Drug Rehabilitation Program

One of the most common recommendations is to remain open to the program. In other words, come ready to explore your recovery journey and to listen to the recovery journey of those around you. Stay open to the process of being sober and learning to live life without drugs or alcohol.

Take your first step towards recovery.

Get Help at The Blackberry Center

From our Blackberry Center residents; 

“Be open-minded, take in all the information you can, and participate in every group!”
-C. K. 

“Be willing and ready to make the change, it’s awesome.”
-C. Z.

“Keep an open mind, trust the process, and don’t rush if you don’t have to. AND you probably won’t ever see any of these people again, so dump out your emotional duffel bag.”
-C. V. 

Participate in as Many Group Activities as Possible

Breaking habits and working through drug or alcohol cravings can be challenging. Our residents recommend staying busy to not only keep your mind off of the initial detox and recovery methods but to create a selection of sobriety tools for life after drug or alcohol addiction treatment. 

At the Blackberry Center, we offer a wealth of options, from therapeutic group activities to recreational therapy ensuring that regardless of your preference of things to do, we have you covered. 

From our Blackberry residents: 

“Get involved. One of the hardest pieces in my recovery is finding new activities that don’t involve using or the desire to use. The more activities you participate in at Blackberry, the more ideas you will have to stay on track.”
-M. F. 

“Attend all groups don’t treat it like a place to stay, this is your life ahead of you and you have to change.”
-H. G.  

Don’t Forget Your Soap!


It may seem trivial but when beginning residential or inpatient drug rehab, you’ll most likely be staying at the addiction treatment facility for a few weeks. After checking with the specific drug or alcohol rehab center that you will be attending to see what you can bring in to make your space feel more like home, consider packing some personal items that will make you more comfortable throughout your stay. 

From our Blackberry Center resident:

“Bring your own soap and toothbrush!”
-H. G.  

A few examples of items to consider bringing with you to drug rehab: 

  • Toiletries like soap, lotion, shampoo, conditioner, toothbrush, etc. 
  • Pictures of friends, family, pets, etc.
  • Notebooks, journals, or stationary to document thoughts or write to loved ones. 
  • Stamps for mailing cards or letters. 
  • A list of contacts if cell phones are not allowed.
  • Music (if allowed). 
  • Bedding (sheets, pillows, etc.).

Start Addiction Recovery for You and No One Else

Choosing when (or if) to start drug rehab is a big decision and while there are countless reasons that it’s a good idea to start substance abuse treatment now, one of the best motivators is that you are ready for a change for your own benefit, and not for someone else’s. 

 “Always remember, do it for you, not others. The reason I say this is because if it’s not for you, you’re not ready yet.”
-C. Z. 

Be Ready to Face Challenges but Trust the Recovery Process

Support in Rehabilitation

Without a doubt, the shift between substance abuse disorder and recovery will present challenges. Restructuring your mindset and facing lifestyle changes after recovery may seem daunting at first, but will set you up for a smoother transition to sobriety after rehab

Understand that at the Blackberry Center, you are in a safe space and are free to connect with other residents who have been through similar experiences. Additionally, you may disclose any information that will assist you in your recovery in one-on-one therapeutic sessions. 

From our Blackberry Center residents: 

“I would say, the first few days are going to be hard, but if you can hold on and work hard your life will change completely, for the better! No one is saying it will be easy, but the hardest step you already took and that is admitting you have a problem and coming here. Now put your seatbelt on cause you’re about to go on the ride of your life!”
-S. G.

“I would say the program is great to take advantage of it and the staff is a great support system. Use your time wisely, if you want recovery you will get it.”
-C. Z.

Addiction Help When You Need It & Why You Should Start Now

At the Blackberry Center in St. Cloud, Florida, our team of licensed psychiatrists, physicians, nurses, and administrative staff creates a well-rounded treatment protocol that is tailored to each individual depending on their unique circumstances. 

Treatments provided range from crisis care services to a partial hospitalization program. Additionally, our inpatient drug and alcohol rehab programs address a range of addictions and the unhealthy coping mechanisms that may be driving the desire to use drugs or alcohol. 

Both physical and mental addictive tendencies will only become more ingrained becoming more difficult to overcome the longer you put off addiction treatment. 

When you’re ready, we are here for you. To contact the Blackberry Center, call our admission team at  (813) 908-4199 or fill out our confidential contact form online. 

From our Blackberry Center resident:

“I’d say shut up and go to Blackberry. It will be the best decision you’ll ever make”
– J. R. 

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